Adakah ini satu Reformasi? Demonstrasi? Perhimpunan?
Apakah yang diminta adalah Perbincangan? Tuntutan? Paksaan?
Terlalu banyak spekulasi dan percanggahan pendapat oleh pelbagai pihak mahupun ahli politik, pegawai tadbir, media masa, ahli2 ulama, rakyat-rakyat dan yang paling penting adalah kaum muslimin dan muslimat di Malaysia tentang isu-isu yang dibangkitkan dan hujahan dan perdebatan yang berlaku dari setiap sudut.
Isu-isu pertikaian yang sering timbul adalah :-
1) Wajarkah Bersih melakukan perarakan "Demonstrasi" mengelilingi ibu kota seperti yang di war-warkan sedangkan cukup sekadar berhimpun di suatu tempat yang lebih terkawal bagi menyuarakan pendapat
2) Adakah ini dikatakan"Hak bersuara" dengan melakukan perarakan dan saja ingin menimbulkan kekecohan dan menguji kesabaran pihak berkuasa seperti polis, rela dan tentera.
3) Bukankah sekiranya ingin betul2 bersuara dan ingin meluahkan perasaan yang terpendam dan tidak puas hati dengan sistem yang sedia ada boleh melalui cara lain seperti membuat satu jawatan kuasa yang di anggotai pakar2 analisa dan pendebat2 tentang isu yang ingin di utarakan dan bukan nya sengaja berhimpun dan kemudiannya berarak sepertiingin menimbulkan kekecohan.
4) Adakah ini seperti yang di ajar oleh Islam dan mengikut syariat2 Islam dan mengikut sunah2 dan tuntutan Rasulullah?
5) Ke manakah suara pemimpin2 Pas ataupun ahli2 ulama yang lain tentang isu Bersih ini? Dimanakah hadis2 dan sunah yang harus di ikuti dan samada cara menyuarakan pendapat seperti ini di tuntut dalam Islam?
6) Apakah Islam mengajar kita tentang berdemonstrasi seperti ini? Ataupun bersifat sabar dan masih ada cara lain yang masih boleh digunakan untuk memastikan keamanan, keadilan dan kebersihan politik, negara, dan sistem mahupun apa saja isu yang di timbulkan masih mampu mengikut syariat2 Islam
7) Adakah Ambiga dan konco2 nya hanya menggunakan isu pilihan raya dan "Bersih" bagi menarik rakyat serta masyarakat Islam untuk mengikuti mereka dan 'kononnya' menegakkan keadilan tetapi mempunyai agenda lain disebalik keadilan yang di tuntut? Dan sedarkah umat Islam di Malaysia tentang perkara itu tetapi sebaliknya masih berkeras untuk bersama menuntut "Keadilan" di sisi mereka yang sudah pasti bukan Islam dan ada sejarah menjatuhkan Islam sebelum ini? Sedarkah umat Islam tentang perkara itu atau hanya memejam mata sebelah dan "berniat' atas dasar ingin memperjuangkan keadilan? Adakah ini Islam dan adakah ini betul?
8) Kenapakah pihak polis dan berkuasa dipersalahkan sedangkan mereka hanya melakukan kerja mereka? Harus dan wajarkah di maki hamun dan di caci setelah di pukul dan di tangkap sedangkan anda yang berarak tanpa kebenaran dan demonstrasi yang konon nya hanya setempat sudah bertukar menjadi perarakan mengelilingi ibu bota? dan lupakah bahawa mereka juga manusia biasa yang mempunyai tahap kesabaran yang tertentu? Dan yang menyedihkan umat Islam sendiri yang bersifat kemudian, maka haruskah kita sesama Muslim berdebat antara satu sama lain? Benarkah ini yang dikatakan "Hak Bersuara" atau sebenarnya sahaja ingin menunjuk cacat cela pihak berkuasa dengan menguji kesabaran mereka?
Seperti ada udang di sebalik batu
9) Kenapakah tuntutan2 yang dibuat oleh pihak Bersih tentang pilihan raya baru sekarang Kerajaan ingin laksanakan mahupun di pandang sedangkan sudah 12 kali pilihan raya diadakan? Tidak pernah kah terdetik oleh Kerajaan untuk mengkaji tentang isu2 itu? Bukan kah kerajaan juga mempunyai analisa2 yang ternama? Kenapakah isu timbul baru kelam-kabut nak ambil tindakan? Memang selama ini dipandang remeh atau sengaja di sembunyikan dan ingin menandingin parti2 lain? Atau memang sistem kerajaan Malaysia iaitu pentadbirnya, pegawai2 nya, ahli2 parlimen dan atur cara sistem itu sendiri tidak betul dan harus lebih diperbaiki?
Dah terhantuk baru nak ternadah
10) Apakah tindakan2 yang sewajarnya di ambil setelah ada pihak yang sudah berani mempertikaikan institusi perlembagaan Malaysia? Mungkinkan selepas ini tuntutan seperti kaum melayu sebagai bumiputra di hapuskan dan Malaysia sebagai negara Islam di mansuhkan? Dan mungkin kah juga ini adalah isu dan agenda yang tidak diketahui oleh rakyat2? Apakah pemahaman tentang "Hak Bersuara" dan adakah ini hanya sekadar helah bagi mengaburi tujuan yang sebenar?
I should stop there because I think it would be enough to make us realise the true "agenda' of Bersih. And I'm not saying that I am against it and not also that I am supporting it. There are lots of way to look about it and its up to the individual to judge it. As for now I wont even going to try to answer all the Q's yet until I the Bersih is done today and I've gather up enough information to support my answers later (because I know there will be lots of people are supporting it and will condemn me later on) so I will take my time doing it.
But the bottom line here is, what are the really main agenda of Bersih? Because as far as I am concern, all Ambiga asked was not only all 10 issues being resolved before the elections but also FOR THE ELECTION TO BE POSTPONED! And she said in the latest debate with Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ) that she won't sit in one table with EC/SPR because they can't be trusted and is not doing their job well. And she wanted to sit with the MP's and the expert teams and she will bring hers and what she wanted was not a DISCUSSION but a DEBATE.
This shows that all along what she wanted was a war and not a discussion and nothing to do with "Freedom to talk" because if she willing to pu everything a side and really doing it for the "rakyat" (and not for herself) then she would willingly to sit with them and discuss all the issues together and try to improve. Of course it would be better to have a third opinion especially from the rakyat itself so that the "systems" can be improve but not to condemn and rule the government. Can't you see that what she wants (niat) and what she fighting for from the beginning is already wrong? This is not for the people but only for herself and a few more people at the top who wants more power and over-ruling the governments and make some more chaos in the country?
Wouldn't you be afraid if another 13 May would happen once again? I won't be in suprise but are we prepared for it?
But Who is she to asked...let me rephrase it...WHO IS SHE TO GIVE ORDERS to the Governments, Election Committes (EC)/ SPR to POSTPONE the election? That is not "Kebebasan Hak Bersuara" any more but it is more to "giving orders and instructions" to what they should or should not do.
You know what this reminds me at? Lina Joy's case where she won the case and over ruling everyone else and used the Constitution of Malaysia to help Lina Joy's apostasy (murtad) where she stated that Constitutionof Malaysia does not deprive Muslims from equality and freedom of religion. Doesn't it sounds the same? She is playing around with the Constitution to get what she wants. And us the muslims are supporting and granting all her wishes from the sides.
Don't you ever forget that she was also the one who also came out with the issue of Interfaith Commission (IFC) and who was against the Islamic Forum where she made 14 demands/issues that was raised which concerning about syariah law and the rights of Muslims for freedom of religion. And this just happened not long time ago on 2008!
All my statements above was made as I am a Muslim. Where I believe there are sometimes we have to think about our actions and think before we speaks. We should decide ourselves for who we want to be our own leader and also we need to think are they good for the Islam and will be justice for the Muslims. But nowadays I can't even seems to understand what are the Muslims are thinking since we are supporting not only the issues that have been raised by Ambiga but without noticing we are actually supporting and backing her up where first of all she is not a Muslim and even I can say she an Anti-Islam since she was so brave to fight and help Lina Joy's case (where the Pas said they really want to do the Hudud and they should know the person who are apostasy will have to be killed in Islam, and are they willing to do that?) and another strong reason is that she is a woman. How can you let a woman leads you where we are the guys who are suppose to leads the women? Isn't that was stated in the Quran? So wouldn't it be Best if a man and a Muslim (that follows the Quran as the guidance and Sunnah & Hadith) as our leader rather than a woman that we already know about her past history and what she did to Islam and the Muslims in Malaysia?
Everyone do want a true, fair and clean on the up coming election but wouldn't it be better if we can do it peacefully? Won't that would be the Islam way? Where no body is going to get hurt and we can avoid all the dramas and any incidents that would lead to fights and disunity between race, people and most importantly among the Muslims.
All I can say is that I do support the issues and the concerns of the people about the politics and elections in Malaysia that have been raised but what I don't support is the way we are doing it. There are so many better ways that we can come up with, after all we are all well-educated people with a very wide and open minded so I believe we can come op with a solutions that benefits all of us. This is the time for us (especially the youth and young people/politicians) to act and stop all this dirty politics and other issues regarding the misconduct behaviour, bribery and etc with changing the systems and be one of the important people who have power and knowledge to overcome this problematic issues and people.
Debate Between Khairy Jamaluddin and Ambiga
Watch and judge yourself which sides give a better speech? Who do you think is trying to point out that they are on the winning side? Who do you think who can't compromise? Think and decide what you want or can do to improve al this for the sake of you country. Is fighting is the option? Or discussion might be the solutions? Or even a war would settle this once and for all? (Nauzubillah minta2 dijauhkan dari sema itu)
InsyaAllah with God's will, if I will become one of those people who can help our generations and country to be in a better systems even that can slightly give a small impact to the nations, I will do so.
Hampir dua bulan saya di London tapi baru-baru nie baru lah nak menyempat ke PortoBello ...rupanya its only 15 minutes walk from my hostel, dekat sangat2.... Before that nak kene cerita dulu apa itu PortoBello...Anyways PortoBello nie macam flee/morning market kat London yang sangat famous, dimana pengunjung2 nya majoriti tourist and local ada lah dalam 40% ..(Lebih kurang macam pasar pagi Shah Alam...So basically at PortoBello market banyak gerai kat situ yang jual barang antiques (kamera, pinggan and mangkuk, baju lelaki dan wanita and etc) and foods!!!
Just cut to the chase, here are some pictures from PortoBello Market :)
But before that, met these guys kat Portobello market tengah basking...sedap jugak lagu dorang nie...
Robbie Boyd Band - Take Me Back to Dreamland
Without this, there will be no DSLR
Cheap Polaroids
Boxing anyone?
Can you see me??
Printig blocks
Churros in making
A clearer shot of the making
Churros!!! with Chocolate dip..omnomnomnom
Cant remember what was this...haha
Random taken.... :)
Its the same basket they used in Runningman Episode 63 - SNSD
Ikan siakap bakar....sedap wey...
A small stall but full house
Portobello Market Sign
Cute little teddy bears.... : )
Mini cupcakes
CD player zaman dulu
Nak satu..!!!
Europeans food pun ada jual...
Fresh veggies and fruits
The famous Portobello Crepes
That's it for now...tak sempat nak tangkap banyak pictures sebab ramai and terlalu amazed tengok barang2 murah and kalau berwang dah sapu semua abis...
This post is strictly for those who appreciates musics and arts!
Act 1:
Let me start with this group called "The Loveable Rogues".
They are Indie/local band in UK and are actually number 341 most famous band in UK.
In this BGT 2012 Audition they sang their own song "Lovesick" and they delivered it perfectly.
I'm lovesick and i sick of this love game and I'm tired of hearing I'm the one to blame
Act 2 :
Her name is Cher Lloyd and this time was when she audition for X Factor 2012 and the video has hit up tp 22 millions viewers. She sang "Turn My Swag On" originally sing by Soulja Boys but on this audition she sang the Keri Hilson's version of the song. Cher admitted she was horrible nervous before performing but thankfully it didn't seem to affect her vocals. She did received a standing ovation from the audience and the judges love her so much.
Turn My Swag On
Act 3 :
Her name is Lauren Thalia. I fell in love with this gurl NOT only because she :-
- is cute
- is 12 years old
- can plays guitar
But because she sang a song that she chose herself and it suits her very well. And plus she sang it beautifully with that husky voice that she has.
Lauren Thalia
Act 4 :
The name of the act is "James and Ed".
Its annoyingly really funny.
Just watch and prepare to laugh like crazy k
: )
James and Ed
Act 5 :
Especially for gurls.
5 important things :
* French * 6 Packs
* Good looking
* Martial Arts
* Topless gus
Nak stolly molly skit nie.. (tapi cita da lama pun)... tapi dengar je la yer..
Hampir ke penghujung bulan lepas Malaysia di kejutkan dengan berita gempar iaitu seorang Artis/Pengacara Melayu Lelaki yang pernah membintangi filem Syurga Cinta, I'm Not Single, Apa Kata Hati, Impak Maksima, Diva Popuar dan banyak lagi lah kalau nak disenarai kan (check kat wikipedia sudey) yang telah melamar seorang Artis/Pengacara/Model Melayu Wanita yang berkacukan Arab dan Cina yang pernah membintangi Drama Siri popular iaitu Awan Dania. Dikatakan Awal telah melamarnya secara langsung di siaran Astro seketika Scha sedang mengacara sebuah rancangan gosip Propaganza.
Scha yang terkejut dengan kehadiran Awal tertanya2 tujuannya kemari, akan tetapi setelah melihat Si dia melutut dengan mata yang teresak2 (meleleh bagai depan tv tue) barulah Scha sedar bahawasanya Awal ingin melamar dirinya untuk menjadi teman sehidup semati.
"Sudikah awak jadi yang Halal buat saya...sampai bila2"
"Oh my god...serious?"
"Why are you doing this here"
"Nak buat apa nie"
"kahwin la" (suara crew)
"Hah... Kahwin?"
So at the end of the story she said yes...itu je yang penting... (boringgggggggggggg......)
Tahukah anda 1 dari 100,000 wanita mengimpikan detik2 bersejarah sebegini...di lamar di kaca tivi...di depan khalayak ramai cam cita omputih ...flash mob as the back drop bagai...
Dan tahukah anda hanya 1 dari 10,000,000 lelaki yang mampu buat sebegini? (aiiyoooo)
Dengan tingkah laku Awal Shaari yang sedemikian telah membuatkan wanita2 di luar sana (especially Malaysian) akan lebih mengimpikan dan menginginkan supaya lelaki2 di luar sana bertindak seperti Awal (kalau tak pun sikit2 sama pun ok la)....romantik...sweet....memorable...
Tapi mereka (kaum Hawa) lupa yang kami nie (kaum Adam) bukan semuanya sweet dan romantik sangat pun...Ala2 kadar je pun....habis kalau nak pegi makan kat Chilli's pun dah berkira apatah lagi nak masuk Ben's...bukan nya kedekut tapi kan tak elok membazir...barang nak branded je (Gucci, Prada, LV etc)...makan nak tempat2 mahal (Ben's, Bubba Gump, Lafitte(Shangri La Hotel) & etc) ...lepak nak tempat2 glamour2 je...mungkin anda tidak demanding tapi isi hati tetap kata nak merasa pergi sekali...
Awal secara tak langsung sebenarnya telang meninggikan market value dan purchasing market yang akan menyebabkan kami akan lebih berbelanja selepas ini....So kepada gadis2 di luar sana jangan la pulak minta2 kami buat sebijik macam Awal buat sebab hampir mustahil kami melaksanakannya....dan tak semua laki nak melutut2 bagai dan suprise terkejut cam tue...(mau awek tue reject kan dah satu hal pulak)...So kalau ada yang sanggup nak suprise2 cam nie (bersyukur la angpa)...tapi kalau yang mahu kekalkan adat seperti sedia kala...jangan terasa hati pulak tak dapat merasa cam dipinang mat salleh pulak yer..hahaha
Tak yah google ke dah tersedia di bawah...
Continue with the next story..............
Ryan O Shaughnessy
Ryan O' Shaughnessy
Mesti tertanya-tanya siapa kah mamat Ryan....So he is one of the contestant in Britain's Got Talent 2012...masih panas dan hangat sebab baru keluar tivi 4 hari (dok UK nie dapat lar baca and update cerita cam nie..Alhamdulillah)..He is 19 years old and staying in Dublin and he is a songwriter...
Nak dipendekkan cerita...He sang his own song (Title : No Name) on the audition and Symon asked him what are the inspiration behind his song and it is a song about a 'friend' that he likes since 6 years ago. And the song is kinda suppose to be like a 'love' letter to and she herself has never heard of the song yet!
But what makes it more interesting is when David Walliams (one of the judges) asked for the girl's name but he was holding back from saying the girl's name out loud. Maybe because he wants it to be special, only for her to know and for others to find out (eventually people did found out about her and she was totally surprised and tweeted " This is so funny #noname wooo it's me #lolololo")
"The pair met at Portmarnock Community College in Dublin six years and became mates. But Ryan realised he had fallen in love when he took Katie to their school prom last September. He said " When I saw her in that dress, I though she looked beautiful".
She makes me nervous. I dont want to rush in. She's my mate, she's a nice girl and has a beautiful smile".
- quoted from The Sun -
Katie Lucia Keegan : )
"If that doesn't work....Nothing will" - Symon -
NoName by Ryan O'Shaugnessy
"If I win I'll spend my 500,000 for just the two of us, and maybe a sparkly ring if she's lucky"
P/s : Watch until the end of the video...MUST WATCH!!!
so apa motif dan kaitannya Awal Shaari dan Ryan O'Shaugnessy???